Danger of Worshiping False God

When you hear the phrase “worship a false God”, people often think of people that are in cults and people who worship false God’s with names, Cthulhu for example. Or they think of the golden sacred calf in the Bible. But, in today’s society, people are worshiping false God’s all the time without even realizing it.

The newest way this has come at us is people saying that they are “spiritual” and that they pray to “their God”. Their God is usually some helper personality that agrees with everything they think. In reality, God has some very strict rules and worshiping God is fearing God.

It is tough to know that we are born into sin and everyday we must account for those sins and ask forgiveness for them. It is much easier to create some fantasy God to stroke one’s ego.

Here is a video I have found that speaks on the topic rather accurately and intelligently. Enjoy

An Amazing and Powerful Personal Experience

by Gary

Grand Island Nebraska, 1980. At this time I was in my apartment…

It was quite late at night and I was getting ready to go to bed. I had sat at the base of my bed and started to pray with intercession. I had been praying for some time and then prayed this prayer as I started to fall asleep:

“Lord, cover me with your full armor. Clothe me with the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the swiftness of your sandles, the shield of faith to deflect the fiery darts of the evil one, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is Your word. Lord also surround me with Your angels for protection and in some way, use me tonight.”

All of a sudden I heard terrified screams Continue reading An Amazing and Powerful Personal Experience